Saturday, 31 March 2012

Littoral liminality

littoral zone

Caught up in the liminal zone, on the edge of an idea, that makes it possible to change ways of doing things.
I have wanted for sometime to create a much more visual interface to use in teaching and am exploring possibilities.  It may of course mean learning new skills to achieve this still I'll give it a go

Web Possibilities

There are just so many options opened up and which to choose.
Found a site called interactive documentary and that had some really interesting visual examples which I find exciting. The one that immediately appealed was about  life in Patagonia.  It has a totally visual interface, based on map and scenes of peoples lives.
Wow how would I do that ?
Think about it some more anyway

Social Media and learning

I attended a talk yesterday by DK from core education.  I found his perspective useful in thinking about what media I might find useful to use in in teaching and learning situations.
I am finding the forum on moodle a not very user friendly kind of environment and searching for something that might complement it.  So you find me on this fine Saturday looking into this simple blog and thinking about what to use.


Here I go again with detemination this time to get going with a blog.  i have started a few time and the semi dead skeletons must be lurking around in cyberspace.
But this time keep it active and keep trying ...
And at this point add a random recent photo from Womad just to see how it all works